Who are we?
'Keshet Mazkeret Batya' is an urban community that aspires to bring secular and religious families together to take an active part in creating a community together.
The community was founded on the idea of "living and educating together". The educational institutions of the community, which include kindergartens, an elementary school and a junior high, are built on the principle of co-education in which secular and religious children learn side-by-side. Community life revolves around the Jewish calendar, and is expressed through a variety of cultural events, rituals and conversational gatherings.
Our educational vision is based on our aspiration to create a sharedsociety that preserves the uniqueness of each identity group while respectful dialogue is maintained. The entire school community – students, parents and educational staff, represent a variety of opinions and views, some of which perceive the Jewish heritage as a cultural, historical and valent source of inspiration, whilst others build their lifestyles with a deep commitment to the Jewish traditions.
The community depends on the voluntary activities of its members, and in this spirit, a variety of activities take place throughout the year for families who are members of the community.
E-mailing address: keshetmb@gmail.com
Telefax – 08-9105370